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Did you know, you can get the highest level eye exam at Lake Oconee Eye Care Vision Source for as little as $10.00?

At Lake Oconee Eye Care Vision Source, we believe in providing patients with amazing vision for life. 

The bedrock of amazing vision is an annual eye examination, even when you are seeing fine.  We have the most advanced technology available at our fingertips to give you the most accurate prescription and to detect both obvious and subtle diseases.  This level of technology is often the key to the proper diagnosis and treatment of your eyes.

Your eye examination starts when we pair you with one of our talented ophthalmic technicians.  They stay with you during your time in our office to give personalized service throughout your exam.  Step one is the OPD III from Marco instruments.  While you are viewing an outdoor scene, the OPD III uses patented wavefront technology to measure thousands of data points within your entire visual system.  This is the same wavefront technology used in custom Lasik which can give patients better than 20/20 vision.  In addition to measuring your entire visual system, the OPD III provides a map of the cornea, a photo of the lens, and the difference between your daytime and nighttime prescriptions.

Following the OPD III, our ophthalmic technicians take you to the Zeiss Clarus Widefield fundus camera.   This instrument can take a photograph of the retina through a 2.5 mm pupil of the central 133 degrees of the retina.  This is over 10 times the view of previous generations of retinal cameras.  The photographs are automatically sent into your exam room so you can review them with your Doctor.  If you have any disease that involved the optic nerve, macula, blood vessels or retina within the central 133 degrees, then you can actually see the issue, just like the doctor sees it.  We can show you the damage from glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetes right in the exam room.

Following the Zeiss Clarus widefield fundus camera, our caring ophthalmic technicians escort you to the exam room.  All the information from the previous OPD III testing is electronically passed into the Marco TRS Digital refractor.  The staff is then able to fine tune the refraction to your exact prescription in as little as 30 seconds to 2 minutes.  A traditional refractor can have you choosing between choices 1 or 2 for 5 to 7 minutes.  The technician then puts the dilation drops in your eyes so the doctor can examine the health of your entire eye, including the peripheral retina.  The peripheral retina can only be viewed completely through a dilated pupil.

After the dilation, the ophthalmic technician takes a thorough eye and medical history, reviews your medications and gets the doctor.  Our doctors listen, care and are here to help.  We use the highest level of technology to provide the best eye care and eye wear, so you can have amazing vision for life.

Most patients do not know that your eye examination is almost always covered under your regular medical insurance.  If you have any of the following conditions, then your eye exam is covered under your regular medical insurance: itching eyes, burning eyes, watering eyes, dry eyes, red eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, floaters, crusting eyes, mucous, or mattering eyes.  Look at your insurance card to see what your office visit copay is, because it could be as low as $10.00.

If you would like to see how much it would cost you to have your eyes examined, our staff would love to help you.  Contact our staff with your medical insurance information (verbally or by texting a photo), then we will call you back within 10 minutes to let you know how little it will cost for your exam, and schedule your annual eye exam. 

You can reach the Lake Oconee Eye Care Vision Source team by telephone at (706) 453-4535 or by email at