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Mandy – Women in Business

Photo of Mandy

Mandy McCommons, CPOA – Office Manager, Lake Oconee Eye Care

Our Business:


Lake Oconee, Eye Care Vision Source, has been a leading provider of optometry services and vision care products in the Lake Oconee community since 2000. Our goal is to assist individuals of all ages in attaining and sustaining clear vision and optimal eye health for years to come.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to deliver an exceptional eye care journey to our community. By utilizing cutting-edge technology and a range of vision care products complemented by the expertise of our doctors and staff, we aim to enlighten our patients about the requirements for achieving their ultimate vision potential throughout their lives.

Our Strengths:

We are driven by a deep commitment to surpassing expectations, ensuring that each patient receives treatment and service of the utmost excellence!

What is the best thing about being a businesswoman in 2023?

What I find most rewarding about being a businesswoman in 2023 is the opportunity to foster growth and development in others. My primary role revolves around enabling individuals to achieve their highest potential and desired success. It brings me genuine satisfaction to serve as a positive force, influencing not only the professional sphere but also extending that impact beyond the confines of the workplace.

To what do you attribute your success?

If success is loving your job and the people you work with, then I’m the most successful person ever! The determination I possess stems from the values my parents instilled in me. Naturally, my career achievements wouldn’t have been possible without the guidance and care of Dr. Perry, Dr. Susan, and Dr. Titak, who have mentored me with great patience and affection.

What is/is your proudest moment(s)?

The moments I cherish the most are those where I’ve contributed to someone’s path of enhancing their vision or eye health. I feel fortunate to be a member of a practice that has, in numerous ways, positively transformed people’s lives for the better.